Monday, November 12, 2007

The article about our deer study was in Sunday's paper.

Friday, November 2, 2007

Today students participated in our Douglas Island Deer Study. Students were VERY well behaved and had a great time. All of their teachers are very proud of the fine work they completed over the past several weeks! We will use the data that we collected today to make estimations of deer populations in various habitats and elevations on Douglas Island. Keep an eye out for an upcoming article in the Juneau Empire which will showcase our work.

Wrestler Development Program DZMS

1) Wade Schalles Clinic, Gymnastics Academy, 9/8 (1:30-4:30pm) and 9/9 (9am-3pm) Learn basics and super-secret moves from the best.

2) Practice with Tornado Wresting Club (6:15-8 PM, M-F, 9/10-9/28)
Work with high school, club, and middle school coaches on the basics and more. JDHS, FD, DZ, and Club wresters will be present—not an opportunity to miss.

3) Judo/Aikido Club, October, DZMS, 3-4:30 pm
Work with Jay Watts and Steve Morley on rolling, throws, joint locks, and other technical moves…a very good compliment to wrestling.

4) Pre-season Workouts, November-December, 3-4:30 pm
Get in shape before winter break and keep it up during our two weeks away. You’ll hit the season hard in January and watch folks who skipped pre-season suffer during the first weeks of practice.

5) Middle School Wrestling, January-February, 3-5 pm
What it’s all about—be a part of the legendary DZ wrestling team!

6) Club Wresting, Gymnastics Academy, March-May
Huge opportunities, including travel!

See Coach Northcutt or Morley for more information.
Don’t Miss Out!